
A Simple Task of Kruskal's

Given N, N points on a 2D plane, and a value K, find the maximum D such that all points can be distributed into K non-empty subsets, where D is the minimum distance between any pair of points not in the same subset.
Construct a minimum span tree with Kruskal's. Then, to split into K non-empty subsets is essentially to bring away ( N - K ) edges from the span tree. Now it is clear that we will take away the minimum edges in the first ( N - K ) by the rule of Greedy.

typedef vector< int > vi;
typedef vector< double > vd;
typedef pair< int, int > pii;
typedef vector< pii > vp;
typedef pair< double, pii > pdp;
typedef vector< pdp > vdp;

double edis( pii a, pii b ){
    double dx = a.first - b.first;
    double dy = a.second - b.second;
    return sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );

struct UnionFind{
    vi fa;
    UnionFind( int sz ){
        fa.resize( sz );
        for( int i = 0; i < sz; ++i )
            fa[ i ] = i;
    int find( int x ){
        if( fa[ x ] == x ) return x;
        return fa[ x ] = find( fa[ x ] );
    bool unite( int a, int b ){
        int x = find( a );
        int y = find( b );
        if( x == y ) return false;
        fa[ x ] = y; return true;

struct Kruskal{ // minimum span tree
    int n;
    vdp edge;
    vd chose_val;
    Kruskal( const int _n, const vdp &_e ) : n( _n ), edge( _e ){}
    vd solve(){
        UnionFind *uf = new UnionFind( n );
        for( int i = 0; i < edge.size(); ++i ){
            double d = edge[ i ].first;
            int u = edge[ i ].second.first;
            int v = edge[ i ].second.second;
            if( uf->unite( u, v ) )
                chose_val.push_back( d );
        return chose_val;

void solve(){
    int N; cin >> N;
    vp P( N );
    for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
        cin >> P[ i ].first >> P[ i ].second;
    int K; cin >> K;
    vdp edge;
    for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
        for( int j = i + 1; j < N; ++j )
            edge.push_back( pdp( edis( P[ i ], P[ j ] ), pii( i, j ) ) );
    sort( edge.begin(), edge.end() );
    Kruskal *krus = new Kruskal( N, edge );
    cout << fixed << setprecision( 9 ) << krus->solve()[ N - K ] << endl;