
Left hand rule

HE April Circuits 2B - Bear and Walk ( Left / RIght hand rule )

https://www.hackerearth.com/april-circuits/approximate/2b-bear-and-walk-1/ It is not difficult to come up to the maze solving left / right hand rule. www.youtube.com Since the path is connected, it will work. However, there are several dif…

HE April Circuits 1A - Bear and Vowels ( Simulation )

https://www.hackerearth.com/april-circuits/algorithm/circ-bear-and-vowels-2/ Simply simulate as the description provides. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MAXS = 50 + 2; const string vowel = "aeiouy"; string s; void solve(){ int vo</bits/stdc++.h>…