
Entries from 2016-02-01 to 1 month

Fast Fourier Transform

Fast fourier transform can be applied on multiplication of polynomial functions, giving O( N lgN ) time complexity. One of the most common usage is for fast multiplication on big numbers. It exploits the property of the complex roots of un…

POJ 1236 Network of Schools IOI 1996

1236 -- Network of Schools Given a network, answer at least how many nodes we need to spread information to let the whole graph know, and the minimum directed edges required to add so the whole graph becomes an SCC. The first query is just…

Introduction to DP on digits ( 桁DP / 數位統計 )

pekempey.hatenablog.com 苦手だったけどpekempeyさんの記事見てよく理解できました、ありがとうございます。pekempeyさんの書き方をモノマネする事になるけどそこはどうか許してください(汗)。 Atcoder Beginner Contest 29 pD. Submission #631749 - AtC…

Randomized binary search tree


Monotonous slope optimization DP

This optimization is also called "Convex Hull Trick" because it is either maintaining an upper convex hull ( decreasing slopes ) or a lower convex hull. Also note that there are problems that do not necessarily have to be monotonous but st…

Introduction to deque optimizations

A deque ( double ended queue ) is a data structure that supports push/ pop from both ends with constant time complexity. It can be used to optimize algorithms that deal with monotonous properties. The first time I saw this data structure, …

Introduction to stack optimizations

Stacks can be used to maintain for monotonous properties, can optimize for many problems, but only if you can discover the monotony in the problem. Here are some problems for exercise from the ant book. 3250 -- Bad Hair Day POJ 3250 Bad Ha…

Randomized binary search tree on value

I have never wrote one to split by value, but for segments. Here's a simple problem that gave me my first chance to solve one like that. http://zerojudge.tw/ShowProblem?problemid=d794 World Ranking The input will give you scores, and you h…

Strong connected components

When a directed graph set S satisfies "for every vertex u and v, exists a path from u to v", this graph could be called an SCC. SCC can be found by applying DFS twice. This is called Kosaraju's algorithm O( V + E ). DFS1 will start from an…

Little interesting logic problem

Problem statement: 100 people are on the same field, and each of them wears a hat with a color ( only 2 kinds of colors ). Each of them can see all the distribution of the colors except his/her own. Now each person has to guess the color o…

Codeforces Contest 624

Dashboard - AIM Tech Round (Div. 2) - Codeforces pA. Print ( L - d ) / ( v1 + v2 ). #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int d, L, v1, v2; scanf("%d %d %d %d", &d, &L, &v1, &v2); double dis = (double)L - d; double vel = (double)v1 + </bits/stdc++.h>…

Range Mex

Mex ( minimum excludant ), has an interesting property in game theory, where an sprague grundy value of a state in a fair game can be deduced from the mex of the sg-values of all the states it could reach in the next step.The definition of…

Biconnected Components

A vertex biconnected component (bcc) can be defined as a connected component (cc) that is still a cc after any vertex is plucked out of the graph, and usually we would think about the bcc as the largest component that satisfies. An edge bc…

Double and long double

There are many problems that require high precision mathematical operations that we need to implement big number functions. However, sometimes we could avoid this by making use of double and long double, and perhaps some cmath library func…

Introduction to Mo's Algorithm

Range Mode Query: http://zerojudge.tw/ShowProblem?problemid=b417 Given N numbers, M queries for ( ql, qr ), output the maximum frequency and the count of the maximum frequency in range [ ql, qr ] of the N numbers. ( 1 <= N <= 1e5, 1 <= M <…